Last Weeks Ransomware Good Times: 07-01-2024s

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Ransomware, Todd Laff, Todd Laff Chicago,

Breaking Ransomware News: Unraveling the Week’s Madness

Last week in the whimsical world of ransomware, we witnessed some eyebrow-raising antics that left cyber-experts scratching their heads and the rest of us nervously checking our online security settings.

LockBit’s Tall Tales

The notorious LockBit gang, never one to shy away from the limelight, claimed they infiltrated the U.S. Federal Reserve, swiping a mind-boggling 33 TB of what they dubbed “America’s banking secrets.” Yet, much like your friend’s fishy excuses for missing game night, they failed to cough up any proof of their exploits.

Experts, naturally a skeptical bunch when tales get taller than a giraffe in heels, view LockBit’s announcement as possibly just a ploy for attention. After all, breaching the Federal Reserve is like hacking into Fort Knox’s cooler cousin. Until LockBit provides concrete evidence, this story remains more fiction than a financial frenzy.

KillSec’s RaaS Bargain Bonanza

Meanwhile, in the cutthroat world of Ransomware as a Service (RaaS), KillSec rolled out a tempting offer: for a mere $250, you too can wreak digital havoc! This includes a fancy C++ locker, a bonus denial-of-service tool (because why not?), and even an infostealer for those who like their data like they like their coffee—stolen.

KillSec’s pricing strategy, akin to your local dollar store’s aggressive discounts, aims to democratize cyber-mayhem while keeping the RaaS bosses swimming in Bitcoin. With tools this accessible, soon your neighbor’s cat might launch a ransomware attack just to get back at the mailman.

CDK’s Snail-paced Recovery

Over at CDK Global, things moved slower than a tortoise in a marathon after suffering not one but two cyberattacks. Their software, vital for auto dealerships, hiccuped like a car with a rusty starter. A week later, they managed to reconnect a handful of dealerships to their systems, promising more dealerships and functionalities to come—like an epic saga in slow motion.

Rumors swirl about a ransom in the tens of millions, but CDK’s lips are sealed tighter than a jar of grandma’s homemade jam. The lesson here? When it comes to ransomware, patience is not only a virtue but a survival strategy.

UK Hospitals: A Bloody Mess

In a plot twist straight out of a medical drama, UK hospitals scrambled for O-type blood donations after a ransomware attack froze their blood-type matching systems. The chaos disrupted surgeries faster than a tornado in a teacup, with patients shuffled like cards in a high-stakes game of healthcare poker.

The culprits, the Russia-based Qilin gang, apparently have a penchant for drama. They’ve targeted sectors with deep pockets—healthcare and education—where ransom demands often rival lottery jackpots. This isn’t just ransomware; it’s a blockbuster in the making.


As ransomware continues to make headlines and wreak havoc, one thing’s clear: cybercrime has graduated from petty theft to Hollywood blockbuster status. With attackers evolving faster than your internet connection on a rainy day, staying ahead means more than just changing your password—it means navigating a digital jungle where every click could be a plot twist waiting to happen.

Stay safe out there, folks. And remember, if you find yourself in a cyber-standoff with LockBit or negotiating with KillSec for your data, a sense of humor might just be your best defense.


About the Author:

Online Security Expert Todd Laff reviews online hacks and security issues and how to protect yourself and secure your network.
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