…And It Keeps On Going: Ransomware Fun: 04-15-2024

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Ransomware, Todd Laff, Todd Laff Chicago

Ransomware Recap: Laughs, Legislation, and Lessons

Last week was like watching a soap opera where the villains are cybercriminals and the heroes are sweating IT guys. We had RansomHub shaking down Change Healthcare, politicians trying to cyber-proof the healthcare sector, and ransomware response plans that were about as effective as a ...

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Another Week of Fun With Ransomware: 04-05-2024

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Ransomware, Todd Laff, Todd Laff Chicago,

Ransomware Attacks: The Unexpected Culprit Behind Your Therapist’s New Gray Hairs

It seems like the world of ransomware is more akin to a horror story than a tech issue, especially after a study by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) revealed the hair-raising effects these digital nightmares have on the mental well-being of ...

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Here We Go Again With Some Ransomware Again: 03.25.2024

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Todd Laff, Todd Laff Chicago, Ransomware

Ransomware Rascals Speed Up Their Shenanigans

In a world where hackers wear their pajamas to work and still manage to wreak havoc, we’ve stumbled upon a disconcerting trend in the underworld of cybercrime. Ransomware ruffians, in their quest for digital dominance, have taken to automating their nefarious schemes with the efficiency ...

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Ransomware Roundup: A Funny-Not So Funny Look Back at 03.11.2024

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Welcome back to another edition of “Last Week in Ransomware,” where we bring you the latest in cyber shenanigans with a sprinkle of humor. Buckle up your digital seatbelts because we’re about to dive into the wild world of ransomware, where even your grandma’s email isn’t safe.

Phobos: Coming to a Server Near You

Picture this: ...

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Last Week in Ransomware: The “Oops, We Did It Again” Edition – 03.04.2024

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In the riveting soap opera that is ransomware news, last week served up some juicy plot twists, featuring the LockBit gang’s dramatic comeback performance and the FBI playing the role of the concerned parent, warning us that BlackCat/ALPHV has set its sights on the healthcare cookie jar…

The Unstoppable Comeback of LockBit Imagines a band ...

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Ransomware Roundup: A Week of Mayhem with a Side of Sarcasm – 02.20.2024

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Ransomeware, Todd Laff, Todd Laff Chicago

Ransomware Goes Hollywood in Fulton County

Last week, Fulton County, Georgia, took an unwilling starring role in what can only be described as a cyber soap opera, courtesy of the LockBit gang. Picture this: critical county services are thrown into chaos, but officials insist it’s unrelated to the upcoming election. ...

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ChatGPT Ransomware Weekly Roundup: The Saga Continues – 02.05.2024

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Last week in the wacky world of ransomware, things got pretty “Mission Impossible” with proxy attacks threatening to turn national security into an oxymoron, the unholy trinity of ransomware/AI/war-making cyber insurance folks sweat bullets, and sensitive U.S. government secrets taking a walk in the cyber park. Buckle up, it’s going to be ...

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Last Week in Ransomware: 01.29.2024 – The “Oopsie” Edition

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Welcome to the “Oopsie” edition of last week’s ransomware roundup, where we take a lighthearted look at the dark world of digital extortion. Yes, even in the world of cyber doom and gloom, we find room for a chuckle!

Healthcare and Ransomware: A Match Made in Cyber-Hell The cyber-baddies had a field day last week, particularly with the healthcare ...

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Ransomware Recap: The Quirky Chronicles of Cyber Chaos – January 24, 2024

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Ransomware, Todd Laff, Todd Laff Chicago

Welcome to another edition of “Ransomware Recap,” where we dive into the wild world of digital hostage-taking. Last week’s ransomware shenanigans had everything: psychological drama, a steep rise in digital dastardliness, and a variety of villains outdoing each other in cyber skullduggery!

“2023: A Banner Year for Keyboard Bandits” Picture ...

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Ransomware Weekly: A Not-So-Serious Look at a Serious Problem 01-15-2024

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Ransomware, Todd Laff, Todd Laff Chicago

To Pay or Not to Pay: The Ransomware Dilemma

The ransomware universe is abuzz with the latest head-scratcher: should we pay these digital pirates or not? The U.S. government, playing the role of the strict parent, is leaning towards a solid ‘No,’ hoping to cut the financial fuel to these cybercriminals. But ...

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